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Open Positions

Postdoc in Neuroscience and PhD research positions


The Institute for Physiology I of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg is offering to the next possible point of time a PostDoc position and a PhD position in the group ´Systemic and Cellular Neurophysiology´.


Your profile (Postdoc):

We are looking for an experienced postdoc to join the group and to perform in vivo electrophysiological (juxtacellular; single unit) and optical recordings as well as manipulations of defined neuron types in mouse cortical networks to examine their role in behavior.

Suitable applicants should have ample experience in in vivo electrophysiology as well as the ability to perform creative and independent research. Additionally, applicants should possess technical knowledge and be experienced in the handling of rodents. Applicants should hold a doctoral degree in physiology, neurobiology or related disciplines with a focus on neuroscience.


We offer:

We offer an attractive working place in a young and highly motivated team and an internationally highly relevant scientific topic related to neuronal network function in the formation of memory and spatial learning.

We further offer an excellently equipped laboratory, a state-of-the art 2 Photon Imaging in vivo recording station, optogenetics, in vivo calcium imaging, transgenic animal models and viral vectors.


Please send your application and CV and if possible names of two referees to:
